So - what does it take, to make the Most Awarded Gin in the World?
It's very simple actually - it takes carefully selecting the best ingredients, you can possibly find, as well as craftmanship and a skilled Master Distiller and crew. Ofcourse you also need pot stills of a certain quality, and base alcohol of the finest kind you can get - but first of all, it takes people who knows how to treat the ingredients.
The Master Distiller of this Gin, says the following: Making a Gin, is basically only about two things - "The what" and "The how". And if you master both of the things, then you are bound to make a really good Gin.
This Gin has been made for a very long time, and from the begining, it was essential for the distiller, to explore the best methods, for extraction the absolute most of the botanicals used. It's never been the idea, to use dosens of botanicals, and neither to use a bunch of exotic stuff, found in deep rainforrests around the globe.
Instead the vision has always been, to know how to get the most out of each and every botanical used. This also means, that nomatter how many bottles being made every year, it is all being made 100% by human hands, with no automation or computers controlling cuts or the rest of the distiling process.
Did you really think, we would reveal which Gin is the Most Awarded Gin in the World? Don't worry - we will eventually, but not until the giveaway is over :) Keep an eye out on our Facebook & Instagram pages, where you will find more info in february & march 2020!