This Gin is a locally produced product, from the small island Anholt in Kattegat. The Gin is made by Thøger Dixgaard and Jakob Kjærgaard, from a wish of creating a true Gin, without all the fuss. And that exactly what they have done....!
By handpicking and using fresh junipers from the small "desert" on the island, they have produced a very distinct and vibrant aroma from the juniper, in the product. And instead of adding a lot of other notes, they let the juniper form the characteristics of the Gin - they call it "Less crap, More Gin", which we LOVE....!!!
Using the very clean water from the island, the Gin stands out from the crowd, as a soft and gentle Gin - not a brute bomb of junipers, as you might expect from a Gin, based on so few ingredienses.
This also means, you can drink this Gin neat, or by using a relatively large variety of different tonics. We have chosen en few favourittes below - but don't hold back from trying other as well, if you have different tonics in stock.