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Raspberry in you drink will give an extra floral and slightly acidic and sweet taste - and even a slightly red color depending on how ripe the berries are.

If you really want to dig into what kind of berry to use, here is some additional info that might help you

Name Estimated season in Denmark (*) Description  Origin & year
Algonquin July 15th - August 15th Little size, orange/red berry with a good taste Canada 1989
Meeker July 15th - August 15th Medium size, very red berry with a good taste USA 1967
Glen Prosen July 15th - August 15th Medium size with a good taste Scotland 1983
Rutrago August 1st - September 1st Large size, firm red/orange berry with a good, aromatic taste Switzerland 1982
Polana August 15th - October Medium size, compact berry with a good aromatic taste especially first in the season Poland 1991
Autumn Bliss August 15th - October Large size, dark red, firm berry with a acidic but not very powerful taste England 1989

(*) In a normal year


We use and recommend

who is producing amazing spices, which both smell & taste fantastic as well as being produced sustainable, and are therefore extremely suitable for Gin Tonics, and other drinks....!

Vi bruger & anbefaler

som har nogle fantastiske krydderier, der både dufter & smager af noget - dyrket bæredygtigt, og meget velegnede til Gin & Tonics samt andre drinks....!

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