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Brick Gin & Tonic

This combo tastes faboulous, and is probably one of the easiest to make!

Fill the glass with ice, and add 4cl Brick Gin and 8-10cl Aqua Monaco Organic Green Tonic. Garnish with a squezed lemon zest, a few pink pepercorn and dried juniper berries.

The Gin is so smooth, and this Tonic is supporting that, with it's lack of bitternes, because of the missing quinine.

This is a Gin Tonic for all the Girls and guys like us, crawing something round and soft - like a kiss, once in a while :)


Brick Gin & Tonic

We use and recommend

who is producing amazing spices, which both smell & taste fantastic as well as being produced sustainable, and are therefore extremely suitable for Gin Tonics, and other drinks....!

Vi bruger & anbefaler

som har nogle fantastiske krydderier, der både dufter & smager af noget - dyrket bæredygtigt, og meget velegnede til Gin & Tonics samt andre drinks....!

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