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Ferdinand's Saar Dry Gin



Germany has had an explosion of small, innovative distilleries that produces spectacular gin. The most known is probably Monkey 47 but Ferdinand’s Saar’s Dry Gin could be the gin to change that. Produced in Mosel in a small region called Saar, famous for its Riesling wine, Master Distiller Andreas Vallendar and winemaker Dorothee Zilliken has made a Riesling infused gin. Although some of the 30 used botanicals are a secret, we know that they have used lavender straight from the vineyards in the Konzer Talchen valley, their own garden grown lemon-scented thyme, juniper, sloe, rose hip, angelica, hop blossom and rose. Added is also Schiefer Riesling wine from the vineyard Forstmeister Geltz-Zilliken.

The result is a fantastic gin ! You should really try the gin neat – it is a very sweet and very soft gin!

Best Garnish for this Gin

Lime zest

(Some) known ingredients in this Gin (in Danish)


We use and recommend

who is producing amazing spices, which both smell & taste fantastic as well as being produced sustainable, and are therefore extremely suitable for Gin Tonics, and other drinks....!

Vi bruger & anbefaler

som har nogle fantastiske krydderier, der både dufter & smager af noget - dyrket bæredygtigt, og meget velegnede til Gin & Tonics samt andre drinks....!

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