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Skagerrak Nordic Dry Gin



Skagerrak Nordic Dry Gin is a result of a collaboration, between Arcus and a handfull of top nordic bartenders, from Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

The Gin is made to reflect Scandinavia, and nordic botanicals, which makes it a quite unique and yet very classic and extremely well made and tasting Gin.

Among the botanicals used from the nordic region are seabuckthorn, rosehip and sea weed, as well as caraway to reflect the relationship with aquavit. This is however NOT a Gin tasting like seawater with caraway, as the botanicals are used and balanced very carefully, resulting in a crisp, fresh and extremely well tasting Gin, we would really recommend you to try.

A real Gintossen favourite 


Best Garnish for this Gin

Lemon zest

(Some) known ingredients in this Gin (in Danish)

Angelika / Kvan

We use and recommend

who is producing amazing spices, which both smell & taste fantastic as well as being produced sustainable, and are therefore extremely suitable for Gin Tonics, and other drinks....!

Vi bruger & anbefaler

som har nogle fantastiske krydderier, der både dufter & smager af noget - dyrket bæredygtigt, og meget velegnede til Gin & Tonics samt andre drinks....!

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