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Copper Frog Gin

United Kingdom


Let's just start by saying: This is one amazing product - made with love and care, and if you come across this Gin, we have only one advice: BUY NOW :)

Copper Frog Gin is a very small batch London Dry Gin, made in Exmouth Devon, United Kingdom by Simon Hughes, who likes a nice Gin just as much as we do. One day his wife asked Simon, why he didn't make his own Gin? Short after, he started the quest of making a Gin thinking, how hard can it be....

So - after months of reading, emailing, researching and looking at Youtube, he finally bought a 3 liter copper alembic still on eBay. After it was delivered from Portugal, a long process of trial end errors began, with a good deal of lighter fuel as a unintended sideproduct (read: result) of the process, according to Simon himself :)

But after quite a while, a product resembling a Gin finally emerged, together with a baserecipe, which now was foundation for a process of refinement over and over again, testing the product on friends and family - until the product finally was ready.

The result is a 100% handcrafted artisan Gin, made with pourified water from Wimbleball Lake in Exmoor National Park and produced in only 50 bottles per month in a new 40 liter still, named Jenny. And you can really feel all the love put into the project, and the result is a extremely well balanced Gin with the junipers on one side, and citrus, liquorish, angelica and orris root as well as corriander seeds and a number of secret botanicals, on the other.

The Gin is a so called vapour destillation - meaning the botanicals is hung in a column and the vapours from the alcohol, is then forced through the botanicals, giving a very very soft and smooth and crisp taste/feeling, when it hits your pallets. 

By the way - before you start adding tonic to this Gin, it REALLY deserves that you try it neat. It is SO smooth and beautiful - even if you are not a huge fan, of drinking neat alcohol in general.

(Some) known ingredients in this Gin (in Danish)

Angelika / Kvan

We use and recommend

who is producing amazing spices, which both smell & taste fantastic as well as being produced sustainable, and are therefore extremely suitable for Gin Tonics, and other drinks....!

Vi bruger & anbefaler

som har nogle fantastiske krydderier, der både dufter & smager af noget - dyrket bæredygtigt, og meget velegnede til Gin & Tonics samt andre drinks....!

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