The French gin, Saffron, is made by Gabriel Boudier, who is actually most known for its Crème De Cassis de Dijon – a dark and sweet liqueur made from blackcurrants that is a vital ingredients in making a Kir Royal. Gabriel Boudier was challenged to make a London Dry Gin and came up with a twist on an old, 19th century Indian gin recipe that contains the very expensive saffron. It takes between 150.000 to 250.000 saffron crocus flowers to get 1 kilo of saffron threads and it takes many many hour to handpick the flower and pick the threads. No wonder saffron is the most expensive ingredient. The saffron not only gives the gin its distinct color – it also gives the gin a spicy touch. Besides saffron 7 other botanicals are used: juniper, coriander, angelica seeds, fennel, iris, lemon and orange peel.
By looking at the beautiful bottle many think that the gin must be a sweeter and floral kind of gin, but it is much more a classic gin with a little spicy twist. It can be a bit difficult to pair with a tonic without the GT becomes a bit bitter but with a sweeter Mediterranean tonic and an orange slice or peel, it works much better.